Last updated: 01/06/2023
Selection of Primary Sources
- John Rabe, Feindliche Flieger über Nanking [Enemy Planes over Nanjing], Nanjing 1937-38 (6 volumes)
- John Rabe, Bomben über Nanking [Bombs over Nanjing], Berlin 1942 (2 volumes)
- H. J. Timperley (ed.), What war means: the Japanese terror in China. A documentary record, London 1938 [details]
- Shuhsi Hsü (ed.), Documents of the Nanking Safety Zone, Shanghai/Hongkong/Singapore 1939 [details]
- 南京戦史資料集 / 南京戦史編集委員会 編纂 (Tokyo 1990-93, 2 volumes).
- Erwin Wickert (ed.), John Rabe. Der gute Deutsche von Nanking, Stuttgart 1997 [details]
- 南京の真実 / ジョン・ラ-ベ (著), エルヴィン・ヴイッケルト (編), 平野卿子 (訳) Tokyo: Kodansha 1997 (rev. ed. 2000)
- John Woods (transl.). The Good Man of Nanking: The Diaries of John Rabe, edited by Erwin Wickert, New York 1998 (British edition: London 1999) [details]
- 資料ドイツ外交官の見た南京事件/石田勇治 編集・翻訳 (Tokyo 2001)
- 南京大屠杀史料集/张宪文主编 (Nanjing 2005-14, 78 volumes)